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Development is where it all started

We've been developing websites and applications for well over 20 years now. We've worked on anything from small marketing sites to large scientific search engines.

Below are some of the applications we have realized for our customers:

Scopus - Author Feedback Wizard

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. As all Scopus author profiles are generated algorithmically there are certain situation where the algorithm doesn't attribute works to the correct author. In the past these corrections had to be made by hand and required quite a bit of involvement from the support team.

We have designed a "wizard" that effectively lets authors correct / adjust their own profile, our algorithms decide which changes can be done automatically and which changes need to be verified by the support team. The system has proven to work very reliably, it has allowed Scopus to correct far more profiles in a much shorter timespan than they would have ever been able to handle by hand. - online eten bestellen

The food-delivery market is quite competitive, the market leader has been increasing their fee's and decreasing their service level for quite a while now. This has been the main reason for our customer to want to develop a webapplication for delivery restaurants that offers a highler level of service at lower costs.

We have designed, built and currently host The webapplication allows consumers to order, and pay for, their meals online. Restaurants can manage their menu, opening-hours, zip-codes where they deliver and special offers. It contains a full management dashboard to manage restaurants, orders, invoices and view metrics regarding the service. - online eten bestellen

Snowball - Metrics Exchange

Snowball Metrics is a methodology to create metrics that can be used as benchmarks between research-intensive universities provide reliable information to help understand research strengths, and thus to establish and monitor institutional strategies.

We have been involved with the first Snowball Lab that allowed universities to test and generate their metrics and are currenly working on it's successor: The Snowball Metrics Exchange. This service allows it's members to configure metric entitlements per institution and the configuration of their externally hosted metric repository. In addition, it provides access to metric definitions, API documentation, a user guide for the service and a reference client and provider. - online verlanglijstjes is one of our first projects, we have created this online gift registry as a bit of a hobby project which has gotten out of hand and has turned into one of the largest online gift registries of the Netherlands. - online verlanglijstjes